Let us get back to the Gosho and King Bimbisara who Nichiren Daishonin speaks about in the Gosho. Blacks and Whites in India fought for years and years and the Rig Vita tells about the years of battle. In early Indian literature it is written about a man by the name of Mahanandin who had a child by a Sudra woman who will be born a king. This man was Mhapadma Nanda who it was written would exterminate all Kshatriva ( White military). Mhapadma is credited with halting Alexander's eastern advance. Mhapadma was successful at uniting other Black Kingdoms to fight Alexander and he took India away from Aryan rule. The dynasty that was set up was the Nanda dynasty .
The center for his short live dynasty was Magadha mentioned in the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin . Magadha is now the East Indian state of Bihar which is then and now dominated by Black people. It was quite late that whites would even settle in this area for they looked upon it with contempt. Gautama Buddha traveled to Magadha frequently as written in the Gosho. #(Side Note) Black historian and the foremost African Scholar on African history Cheikh Anta Diop hinted that the Buddha was an Egyptian Priest chased from Memphis by the persecutions of the Cambyses . (please refer to Diop's book “The African Origin of Civilization”.) In another book “Histoire du Japan” by 'Koempfer claims that the Sacya Buddha of India was a priest from Memphis who fled from Egypt when Cambyses invaded it”

A modern author William Ward who published documents based on writing from Sanskrit included a biographical account of Buddha establishing that he would not have appeared until the sixth century B.C.E. (M. De Marles Histoire general de 1'Paris, 1928, I, 470-472)'. Dr. Diop summarizes “There is a general agreement today on placing in the sixth century not only Buddha but the whole religious and philosophical movement in Asia with Confucius in China, Zoroaster in Iran. This would confirm the hypothesis of a dispersion of Egyptian priests at that time spreading their doctrine in Asia.

There is another Black person to add during the time of Shakyamuni and that is Lao tzu in China. Another religion emerged during the time of Shakyamuni and that was the Jain religion founded in Bihar that Shakyamuni frequented. King Mahavira is identified as the Jains founder. Buddhist and Jains were widely known for their scholarship.

The Fundamentals of Buddhism the third edition on page 130 report that Shakyamuni died in 949 B.C.. Buddhism has three time propagation of Shoho, Zoho and Mappo should began around 1052 A.D. The time that historian say Shakyamuni lived and the time Buddhist tradition say makes it interesting to note whether Shakyamuni was more likely Aryan or Indigenous. Reading these time will throw you off when reading Nichiren Daishonin teachings because traditional Buddhism list one time and historian list another time.

The Nada dynasty in the fourth century B.C. is one definite time Blacks were in power in India . The Nandas dynasty was short lived after an ally of the Nandas took over after Alexander retreated and another Black man or Sudra king took over in India
named Chandragupta Maurya (pronounced (chandrugoop'tu). Chandragupta established his kingdom in Magadha called the Maurya dynasty . During a 24 years reign Chandragupta would rule over then the largest empire in the world and the Magadha kingdom capital city was patailputra (Patna) . The Buddha is said to have used the Magdhi dialect . Chandragupta gave up his throne and became a Jain monk and fasted to death.

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