Chandragupta's son was Bindusara who was succeeded by his son Ashoka who was the most important person to help the of spread Buddhism. The Daishonin writes the Gosho we are lecturing about “The Workings of Brahma and Shakra”. The Daishonin tells in the Gosho of Bimbisara a worthy king and supporter of Shakyamuni. #Side Note; It was written from another Buddhist source that when Siddhartha walked into Rajagha city where King Bimbisara lived with his begging bowl like other religious monks of his day, people began calling him sage. He was said to be handsome, young, healthy, clean, neat and not like a beggar at all. When King Bimbisara heard the name Guatemala he knew it was the son of King Suddhodana and King Bimbisara is said to offered Siddhartha half of his kingdom. King Bimbisara loved Shakyamuni.
King Bimbisara had a son who Nichiren Daishonin's writes about by the name of Prince Ajatasattu. Prince Ajatasattu is the famous King Ajatasattu that Nichiren Daishonin wrote about who was influenced by the infamous Devadatta who Nichiren Daishonin has written about in several Goshos.

Let me talk a bit about
Devadatta . Devadatta was the son of King Suppabuddha and Pamita, an aunt of the Buddha. Devadatta's sister was Yasodhara who Shakyamuni married. During the early part of Shakyamuni's ministry he entered he with Shakyamuni's cousin Ananda and other Sakyan princes . Devadatta wanted to be leader of the Buddhist order and Shakyamuni turned him down. Devadatta was excelled in psychic powers and he had many followers and admirers . Devadatta's chief and powerful follower was King Ajatasattu .

King Ajatasattu was the son of King Bimbisara . The young Ajatasattu was influenced by Devadatta to kill his father. One night while king Bimbisara was a sleep Prince Ajatasattu crept into King Bimbisara room with a knife tied to his thigh to kill his father, but the guards caught him. King Bimbisara was a man who dearly loved his son and instead of punishing his son he stepped down and let his son be the king. King Bimbisara retired to religious life. Instead of letting the King practice his spiritual development the young king Ajatasattu threw his father in jail and tried to starve him to death by giving orders that no one was to give him food. However his mother secretly brought food hidden in her clothes, when Ajatasattu found out he put a stop to it. Next the mother carried food in her hair knot and again Ajatasattu found out. In the end the Ajatasattu mother bathed her body in a mixture of honey, butter ghee and sugar and the king survived licking the food off her body. Finally king Ajatasattu forbid his mother from seeing king Bimbisara.

King Ajatasattu finally grew impatient and called the barber and commanded him to cut open the soles of king's Bimbisara's feet with a razor and force him to walk on burning coals with his feet with salt and oil on his raw flesh. It is interesting that when King Bimbisara saw the barber he though that his son had realized his evil and the barber had come to give him a trim. With the help of two soldiers King Bimbisara died in great pain.

On the very day that
King Ajatasattu had killed his father his wife gave birth to a son and King Ajatasattu was so over joyed that he rushed to his mother and asked her did his father love him as much as he loved his son? King Ajatasattu mother told him that his father went to a fortune teller and the fortune teller told him that his son would be his enemy. The mother told him that when she was pregnant she wanted to drink blood from his fathers hand and his father cut his wrist so she could drink blood for his unborn son. She told Ajatasattu how much his father loved him. Before Ajatasattu's birth the queen believing that the son would kill the father tried to abort the baby several times and when the king found out he King stopped her. When King Ajatasattu now having a son understood the love a father can have a son ordered his father removed out of the dudgeon, but it was too late. King Ajatasattu had killed his father at a time he had just understood what it was to have a loving father.

If you can understand how cold and heartless king Ajatasattu was against his own father you can very well understand how cold he was against the Buddha and his followers. There are a lot of explicit details about the horrors Shakyamuni and his disciples encountered under the evil King Ajatasattu but this lecture is getting a bit long and I will get back to the Gosho;
“The Working of Brahma and Shakra”.

Nichiren Daishonin gives this example explaining to young Nanjo Tokimitsu how someone can influence you to do evil. King Ajatasattu became Shakyamuni's archenemy as the Daishonin explains in the Gosho to young Nanjo Tokimitsu .

Nichiren Daishonin wrote in the Gosho how Devadatta had beat to death the Buddha's foster mother nun Utpalavarna. Devadatta made many attempts on the Buddha's life and had many of Shakyamuni's disciples killed. Despite every thing that happened to Shakyamuni he managed to preach the Lotus Sutra and attained victory in the end. Nichiren Daishonin quotes from the Sutra chapter 10, “Since hatred and jealousy towards this sutra abound even when the Thus Come One is in the World, how much more will this be so after his passing? Nichiren Daishonin explains to Nanjo Tokimitsu that if all of the thing happen to the Buddha while he was living just think how much will happen after he is dead and Young Tokimitsu should not be frighten because in the End the Gods Brahma & Shakra will win.

The Daishonin writes in this Gosho
“As long as the foolish read the Lotus Sutra and the worthy lecture on it the country will remain quite and undisturbed. But it is stated that, when a sage emerges and preaches the Lotus Sutra exactly as the Buddha did, the nation will be thrown into an uproar, and persecutions greater that those during the Buddha's lifetime will arise”. The Daishonin lets young Nanjo Tokimitsu know not to get upset because his life was just living out the sutra.

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