The Japanese are selling more culture to Blacks in America and less religion
I visited the "Head Temple in Japan a few years ago and the "High Priest" gave everyone a great treat, Ice Cream. There was one problem with the ice cream. It seems as though 1000's of cups of Ice cream was thrown away or not eaten by the Americans. The issue with the Ice Cream was a "Cultural Issue." Buddhas are said to have wisdom and while we were at our head temple no one was wise enough to know that Americans do not eat Ice cream with Sea Weed flavor.
The combination of Sea Weed and Ice Cream is more  of Japanese culture than a dessert for Americans.  The religion of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism as taught by the Japanese Priest in America project more of Japanese culture to Americans than a universal inclusive  religion. The Japanese Priest are experts in the Nichiren Shoshu religious formalities, but they are novices in American culture and they should be taught a lesson in diversity training. While I am a dedicated Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist I reject the Japanese culture when it  marginalize African/American people. I do not  care for seaweed ice cream or extreme Japanese culture forced upon us as in Memphis.

This is a picture of me at

This is a scene of me in Japan in 2001 at the exchange meeting between American members, some Japanese members and some young Japanese Priest. Rev. Kwabe and Rev. Takahashi were the interpreters for the Meeting. My aim was to help make the meeting real by bringing up real issues. The first question was asked by the Young Japanese Priest, they asked was there anything we Americans would like them to prepare for?
I explained to the young Priest that in America we were not a homogenous culture like Japan. I said that we in America were  like a stew, potatoes remain potatoes, carrots remain carrots, beans remain beans. Although we were Americans, we all have different cultures and I asked the Priest to learn about and respect all cultures. (My experience with working with some Japanese Priests in America is that they simply do not respect or recognize Black culture. Such a lack of respect is called racism.  We African/Americans must demand that Japanese respect us. We are the people who will teach the Black community about Buddhism. I was told recently that most Black males do not come to the Los Angeles Temple anymore.  Years ago when Daisaku Ikeda laid down his strong handed methods Black men left the SGI Buddhist organization. Today Black men are leaving the Nichiren Shoshu Temple. We need a friendly culture in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism that encourage Black men and not demoralized us. The dominate Japanese culture in Buddhism is demoralizing and borderlines racism.
The above pictures were taken in 2001 at our head temple in Taisekiji Japan.  In 2001 I wrote a complete report. Black Buddhist got upset with me and Alan Billups. Tony the African/American leader in New York tried to use his influence to have the Priest censure me.  He got with Rev. Takahashi and the Priest tried to censor me. I told Rev. Takahashi that I was aware of Japanese protocol and he was in error to approach me. Japanese Protocol mandated that my Priest communicate with me.  The African/American leaders were upset at me and our "Proud Black Buddhist" website because it was not sanction by the Priest. I looked Rev. Takahashi straight in the eyes and told him that I was an American and not a Japanese I told him that I was an American and he or no other Priest could censure Anthony "Amp" Elmore. I told Rev. Takahashi and Tony that we were at the Nichiren Shoshu head temple and the overseas bureau was downstairs I begged them to take this issue to the Nichiren Shoshu overseas bureau. Rev. Takahashi ran like a coward and was afraid to take this to the overseas bureau. I wanted to discuss the racism and nonsense in Nichiren Shoshu. If the African/Americans had a problem, we were at the right place to discuss such an issue.
Click on my picture to read my 2001 Tozan report. This report has complete details and you can know my spirit.
On August 24, 2001 a female Nichiren Shoshu member in Washington D.C. who last name is Jackson emailed me upset because we have a Buddhist website and we give Buddhist Lectures. This is what she wrote to me:
you are slandering Nichiren Dashonin Buddhism and you will see the cause of the your action. You are not authorize to give guidance or lecture you will not supersede the Dashonin Teachings. You and Allen are wrong and you need to evaluate your faith and practice because you are acting like President Ikeda. Like I said you will receive the results of your slanderous action. I will not respond to anythin you have to say
The True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin writes in the Gosho, The true aspect of all phenomena; " Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. Both practice and study arise from faith. Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase."
Nichiren Daishonin clearly writes in the Gosho "Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single  sentence or phase." There are 44 million Black people in America not counting other races. There are no more that 15 Nichiren Shoshu Priest in America.  Secondly why does it have to be a Japanese Priest to teach Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. We have a Black man as President of the United States.  African/Americans advance in every single station in the world except a leadership position in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. Is this because African/Americans are not qualified to advance or is this because the Japanese are not advancing African/Americans? If you want to know the true about the matter Japanese do not Advance Black people. Until Jesse Jackson and other Black leaders challenged the Japanese they did not do business with Black people.  Until Black Americans stand up with the courage of Nichiren Daishonin you will forever be considered unqualified to teach.

I am not the person who should be afraid it is the Nichiren Shoshu Priest who should fear the Gosho reads that the 14 slanders apply to the Priests as well as the laity. The environment of "Priest Worship & Fear in America" is up to the Priest to correct.  The reason that the conditions continue of "Priest Bullying" in America is because of the issue of "Animality" the Daishonin writes "it is the nature of beasts to prey on the weak and fear the strong."  Many African/Americans know in their hearts that some things are wrong but they are too coward to take on the Priest.  Black people are suffering the worst in America and we need Buddhism the worst and people like Ms. Jackson and others are worried about the Priest feelings instead of teaching Buddhism to the best of her ability and not waiting on a Priest.  No African/American people are going to join Buddhism when you have no Black leaders who can speak.
If the Buddhism is so great where are your Black leaders who can come to the Black Community and teach Buddhism? I do know of one Japanese Priest who command English verbally who could motivate Black people to join Buddhism. At the same time we have Black people who can come right to the Black Community and excite others about Buddhism. We have no Black leaders because the Japanese will never give Black people dignity,honor respect to be a spokes person. Let me share this I do not wait on any Japanese to give me dignity and honor.  In Buddhism there is Black history I do not wait on any Japanese to teach this history I know how to read. I asked Rev. Murata in Washington D. C. to comment on the oldest and largest statue in Japan of that of a "Black Buddha" Rev. Murata tells me that he does not deal in Racism. Look at this Black Buddha for yourself. This is not racism this is world history. If Rev. Murata cannot give you an honest answer why should he be your leader?  This Priest was not honest with me.

Historical records prove conclusively based on the ancient icons that the historical Buddha was a Black man of African decent. Early British historians who have researched this issue concluded that the Historical Buddha Shakyamuni of India was a Black man. Hindu Brahmin racism and institutional racism worldwide has hidden this fact, fortunately Black scholars, the Internet and young African/Americans are now recognizing the fact of the Black Buddha. The above picture is the worlds largest wooden and oldest Buddha statue built in its ancient capital of Nara, Japan in 710 A.D. The African corn roll hair style proves conclusively that the Buddha was a Black man. Most Japanese who introduce Buddhism in American are reluctant to acknowledge this historical fact. This is an example of institutional racism that you will find among Japanese people, even Japanese Buddhist Priests. Click on the picture above to learn a historical prospective of this statue.
Click on the picture see this Black Buddhist history for yourself. Force the Japanese Priest to come clean on Buddhist history. We need a proud Black Buddhist site to tell the truth. We have institutional racism in Buddhism.