W e at the Proud Black Buddhist Web Site have said Buddhism was in the beginning an African
religion not a Brahman off shot as proposed by Daisaku Ikeda in his book "Buddhism the First

Millennium." I ndia originally was an all Black country until it was invaded by White tribes called
Aryans (term used by Hitler) and the name of present day Iran. Two thousand years before the
Buddha great Black civilizations flourished in the Indus Valley. It is being said by present day
scholars that the first writings came from (Blacks) in the Indus Valley. The Indus Valley civilization notably Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were laid out like modern day Manhattan in New York. The people had three story houses, a canal system with a trash shoot for garbage collection. The white
nomadic (Aryans) eventually conquered and submitted Black people to the worst in humanity to human in human history (worst than slavery in the Americas).

I t was the Buddha who was reported born around 563-483 B.C.E. who challenged the evil racist caste system. Brahmanism emerged just about the time of the Buddha 550 B.C.E. as an orthodox Hindu religion because of its continuity with the Vedic tradition (White Supremacy) of the Brahmans and the Upanishad (Hinduism) In simple terms Buddhism originally was a Black religion running counter to the Aryan racist Brahmanism that Aryans introduced into Hinduism .

Let us next take a look at past Buddhas  from different cultures.  All early images of the Buddha showed the African hair.  Some writers in order to hide the fact that Buddha was Black wrote riduculous statement like the Buddha put snails on his head to shield himself from the Sun.  All early images of the Buddha show either locks or the African corn roll hair style.

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